Japanese garden in Merano

トラウトマンスドルフ植物園(イタリア メラノ)の北斜面全体を谷あいの日本の風景(流れ、棚田、茶畑、桜の丘)で覆った。滝が落ち、急流が下り、浅瀬となり、あずまやの横を通ってさらに下流へと続く。。

This Japanese garden covers the entire north-facing hillside of the Botanical Garden of Trautmansdorf (Merano, Italy) and intends to recall a typical Japanese landscape along the valley represented by streams and waterfalls, terraced rice fields, tea plantations and cherry hills. The water runs down across the territory of the garden changing its features as waterfalls, rapids, shallows and passes by an arbor and continues farther down.

Copyright © 庭舎MAKIOKA / Teisha MAKIOKA