プロフィール / P R O F I L E |
Born in Fukui, Japan |
1945 |
福井県に生まれる |
Graduated from Kinki University |
1970 |
近畿大学卒業 |
Studied under Prof. Osamu Mori, scholar of the history of Japanese garden [-87] |
1975 |
日本庭園史学者の森蘊(もり・おさむ)氏に師事 [~87] |
Exhibition of Japanese Gardens at the Palmengarten (Germany) |
1980 |
バルメンガルテン日本庭園展参加(ドイツ) |
Restored and designed the Japanese garden at the Museum of East Asian Art, University of Zurich (Switzerland) |
1987 |
チューリヒ大学東洋美術館日本庭園の修復設計(スイス) |
Founded Teisha MAKIOKA in Nara |
1988 |
Designed and constructed the garden of House M and House Y in Karuizawa |
1989 |
軽井沢 M 邸、Y 邸の設計・施工 |
Designed and supervised the garden "So-an" in Kurume, Fukuoka |
1990 |
福岡県久留米市草苑 設計・管理 |
1993 |
Designed and supervised the garden for the Kageoka Building in Tokyo |
1994 |
東京景丘ビルの庭園設計・管理 |
Karesansui garden at Museum of East Asian Art, Cologne (Germany) |
1995 |
枯山水の庭園(ケルン東洋美術館) |
Conducted a seminar "The Architecture and the Garden" (Osaka) |
1997 |
「建築と庭園」セミナー(大阪) |
Designed and constructed the Japanese garden in the Trautmansdorf Botanical Garden (Merano, Italy) |
1998 |
日本庭園(イタリア メラノ市、トラウトマンスドルフ植物園)設計・施工 |
Repaired the garden as part of the renovation works of the traditional residence in Nara |
1999 |
Spiral Garden at Helsinki 2000 Artgardens, Töölönlahti Bay (Finland) |
2000 |
ヘルシンキ2000テーレ湾アートガーデン(フィンランド) |
Designed and constructed a karesansui garden at Gardenia-Helsinki (Finland) |
2001 |
Maintenance of the national heritage garden "Isui-en" in Nara |
2002 |
奈良名勝「依水園」の管理 |
Designed and constructed a Japanese-style garden for House H in Koenistein (Germany) |
2003 |
Conducted a two-week practical seminar on the Japanese garden in Kaiserslautern (Germany) |
2004 |
実践を含む2週間の日本庭園セミナー(ドイツ カイザースラウテン市) |
Designed and constructed the garden of House V (Finland) |
2005 |
ヘルシンキ V ギャラリー庭園設計・施工(フィンランド) |
Designed and supervised the work of the monument in Montbell-America shop in Denver (USA) |
2006 |
モンベルアメリカ・ボルダー店にて鉄板で石組風オブジェ設計・管理(米国コロラド州) |
Invited by the Benetton Foundation to the International Conference on the Japanese Garden and gave a lecture as a garden maker |
2007 |
ベネトン財団主催日本庭園国際会議に招待参加し作庭者として現場からの報告講演(イタリア) |
Gave a lecture as a garden maker, "Report from the Gemba (the Site)" at Helsinki Institute of Technology, Finland |
2013 |
ヘルシンキ工科大学にて講演「日本庭園の現場から」 |
Gave a lecture, "Restoration of the Garden of the Bunkaden Hall at the Kashiharajingu Shrine" at Aalto University, Finland |
2018 |
アアルト大学(フィンランド)にて講演「橿原神宮文華殿庭園の修復整備について」 |
Gave a lecture, "Niwatazumi" at Aalto University, Finland |
2019 |
アアルト大学(フィンランド)にて講演「にわたずみ(奈良ホテル)」 |
Live and work in Nara, Japan |
2021 |
奈良県在住 作庭を続ける |
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Copyright © 庭舎MAKIOKA / Teisha MAKIOKA |